Section: Software

Global Constraint Catalog

Participants : Nicolas Beldiceanu [correspondant] , Sophie Demassey, Mats Carlsson, Helmut Simonis.

The global constraint catalog presents and classifies global constraints and describes different aspects with meta data. It consist of

  1. a pdf version that can be downloaded from http://www.emn.fr/z-info/sdemasse/gccat/ (at item last working version) containing 360 constraints, 3000 pages and 700 figures,

  2. an on line version accessible from the previous address,

  3. meta data describing the constraints (buton PL for each constraint, e.g., alldifferent.pl ),

  4. an online service (i.e, a constraint seeker ) which provides a web interface to search for global constraints, given positive and negative ground examples.

This year developments were focussing on:

  1. maintaining the catalogue,

  2. deploying an on-line constraint seeker [16] (see http://seeker.mines-nantes.fr/ and http://4c.ucc.ie/~hsimonis/seekerhelp.html for explanation how to use),

  3. providing the negation for constraints defined by automata (with and without counter),

  4. defining properties of constraints arguments, and

  5. providing modelling examples as well as points of interests and common misunderstanding for core constraints.

N. Beldiceanu , S. Demassey , M. Carlsson (SICS , Sweden) and H. Simonis (4C , Ireland) have contributed in 2011. The link to the global constraint catalog is http://www.emn.fr/z-info/sdemasse/gccat/ .